Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tennis & Golf Weekend

    Tricia and I played in a tennis and golf tournament against GTAC (Galleria Tennis and Athletic Club) this past weekend. Sugar Creek definitely came out ahead, but more importantly, we had SO much fun! Tricia and I played really well at the Galleria, and fortunately golf at Sugar Creek was best ball, so together we did good. Separately, we would have not been able to finish! After 18 holes of golf (for "social" golfers) we were extremely sore. When we played league on Monday, we were both complaining about how bad our elbows were still hurting from this weekend and diagnosed ourselves with golf elbow! Seriously, we were in pain! Here's a few pictures from the golf half of the weekend. We didn't take any pictures from tennis, but I wish we would have. GTAC is an awesome facility. It was so much fun to play tennis at the galleria! Lito and Margaret were our other two for the scramble, although they didn't make it past 9 holes. 

My "pseudo" parents in Sugar Land. 
I'm walking over to the guys with my boombox! Yes, we were the only ones playing music from our cart.

So I missed the I said, glad it was best ball!
Notice how we're not even in the short grass!
We should stick with tennis!

    On another note, I am going to buy my new camera today or tomorrow, depending on the weather! I am so super excited about it! I've been researching and reading lots of consumer reviews and I think I've found the perfect one, just in time for Australia NEXT WEEK!!!! Grimmer news: even though we had our pipes wrapped, our sprinkler system busted and gushed out like we struck oil AGAIN. So after the neighbors noticed the flooding on the street, they came over and told us. Thanks neighbors! Now, our water is running and we are praying pipes in the attic don't burst like last year. The hospital is on high alert and debating activating the emergency response teams. If I get "the call or text" I have to be at the hospital within an hour with my bags packed to stay through the storm. Downtown hospitals have already activated this, so I'm crossing my fingers I don't have to! I'd love to stay in my pajamas in my warm house for another day. Night shift has to come in by 5pm tonight and bring their bags just in case. The schools are having early dismissal today and cancelled tomorrow. Come on's a little bit of SNOW!!! Stay warm and have a wonderful weekend!